What no one tells you about Guitar Pedals & “clone”…

by | Mar 19, 2022 | 0 comments

Often we hear about how “such and such” pedal is “just a clone” of something else. While sometimes, yes it’s true that a pedal is a straight up 1 for 1 clone of another, more accurately it can be looked at as “building blocks”, similar to legos. In this video I’ll take the same basic circuit and turn it into an overdrive, clean boost, distortion, Fuzz, and velcro-glitchy-super fuzz, all by changing an handful of parts and adding a few things around the base circuit.

Side note: If y’all like the sounds here, I might be able to make a handful of one-offs. Let me know in the comments….Visit our store and see other delay pedals for your guitar.



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